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Community Spaces and Facilities

Aldbury benefits from a large number of well-run, thriving facilities available for hire for regular clubs, societies and one-off events. They are all managed by a trust or non-profit entity, separate from the Parish Council.

We recognise the importance of these entities in village life and hope you will support them so they continue to benefit residents and our sense of community here.

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Aldbury Church Chapter House

This is a small room off the main church building which has a small kitchen. It is used for playgroups and other village activities.

Aldbury Club

(Peace Institute)

This a great space to hire for parties and  classes. Andy Stephenson is Secretary for Aldbury Club. Contact Tracy Wilks for bookings.

Aldbury Memorial Hall

To make enquiries or book the hall, please visit the Memorial Hall website and complete the online booking form.

Cricket Match
Kids Gardening

Aldbury Almshouses Trust

(Looking for volunteers to update this section)

The Rec and Sports Pavillion

Mike Mann, Secretary of Aldbury Sports Club would be delighted to discuss your requirements for rental. There is currently no Aldbury football team but the pitch is rented out to other local teams.

To make enquires about renting an allotment, please contact the Parish Clerk via the Parish Council website

Apples in a Crate
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Tennis Racket and Ball

Millennium Orchard

This orchard was planted at the turn of the Millenmium as a commemorative space for the community to sit and reflect. Those who sponsored a tree gather their crop and many are happy for others to share the harvest. Maintenance is done by Steve Wellings, a local volunteer and tree enthusiast.

Iron Room, Tring Station

(Looking for volunteers to update this section)

Tennis Court

The court is available for use by residents of the parish of Aldbury and Tring Station and is the responsibility of the Parish Council. It is situated on Stocks Road at the Recreation Ground. Membership costs £15 per year per family to cover the cost of the maintenance. Please book before you turn up to play, especially during Spring and Summer.

Coaching for all ages takes place on Saturdays by Nick Brooks.

Request membership

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Aldbury Playground

Aldbury residents and visitors are welcome to use the playground located adjacent to the allotments. The playground offers a safe space for children to play and contains a set of swings, roundabout, log world, slide, see-saw and picnic table.

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